Friday, July 07, 2006

Circumnavigate Waiheke Island. – Day 4

The next morning early I get some sunrise photos but I miss the chance to get a shot of the setting moon. After an early breakfast we pack and launch out before the park ranger gets a chance to ask us if we paid for the camping, which of course we didn’t. Now it’s the long paddle back to Auckland. It’s now Good Friday and a national holiday. There are hundred of boats in the Tamaki Straits making there way to their favorite spots around the Haukier bay. It the first time I have had to deal with boating traffic since coming here and it is a little unnerving. It’s a beautiful day and we and we pass around the back side of Motuihe Island and then land on Brown’s Island. We walk to the top of Brown’s Island and from there we take in the view of Auckland, Rangitoto and Motutapu islands as well as Waikeke. We walk back to the boats and find that our once deserted beach has been invaded by several power boat families and a couple of sail boats. We break out what’s left of our supplies and make ourselves some lunch. Then is a leisurely paddle back to Ferg’s and home. Once we have the boats and gear secured Andy suggests that we take a quick visit to One Tree hill.
One Tree hill holds the memorial for Sir John Campbell who incidentally owned Brown’s Island. Sir John was at one time the mayor of Auckland and is known as “The Father of Auckland”. He donated Brown’s island and One Tree hill where he is now buried. There is a large obelisk. Again it has great view of the surrounding areas. But oddly despite its name there is no TREE on top of the hill! Apparently there have been several trees on top of this peak. The one that gave the hill its name was cut down my European settlers in the 1800’s but one was replanted by Campbell that was cut down my Maori activist in 1999. Now there is this dirt patch where the tree would have been. So much for history, we return to Andy’s place and decompress for a day.


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